This checklist is designed to be very thorough for a rabbit breeder. Some items may be unnecessary for a pet rabbit.
● Rabbit feed / pellets. A mature rabbit’s ration is typically 4-6 ounces. Nursing
or young rabbits or rabbits in cold weather often need more than that.
● Hay (Alfalfa/grass hay until 6 months and then timothy hay after that is
● Cage (a wire cage is easier to clean). 1 square foot of cage space is
recommended for each pound of rabbit. A 24”x 24” cage for a Holland Lop
is typically adequate. A larger cage would be nicer for the rabbit.
● Foot rest for rabbit (could be a piece of carpet or other item to give a rest from
wire floor).
● Bedding (for cage tray; if used avoid scented wood like cedar). Aspen shavings work well.
● Other Feed could include dried bread, apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots,
cauliflower, fresh grass shavings from an untreated lawn. It is recommended to
introduce fruits and vegetables slowly to young rabbits (less than 6 months old)
like only 1 new item every week or two to avoid intestinal problems.
● Rabbit run – If rabbit would be confined to a cage a lot and not able to
hop around indoors.
● Salt lick.
● Wheat germ oil – A supplement to add to pellets periodically.
● Cider vinegar – Add a small amount to water to help avoid intestinal diseases and for other possible health and breeding benefits.
● Terramycin (an antibiotic) – Recommended if your rabbit will be outdoors,
around other rabbits, and to prevent disease.
● Feeder or crock – Automatic feeders can be filled outside of the cage
● Water bottle to ensure regular access to water. Rabbits can drink a lot of water
in hot weather. Heated water bottles, crocks or empty tuna cans are cold
weather options.
● Hide away box – To put in the cage for the rabbit to hide in or hop on top of.
● Lighting – If rabbit is outdoors in a shed it is recommended that they get at
least 12-16 hours of light a day to provide a more natural environment.
● Frozen milk jugs or water bottles are recommended in a rabbit’s cage in hot
weather. Straw in a cage in very cold weather helps keeps the rabbit warm.
●Ventilation is desired but the rabbit should be protected from cold drafts if kept
●Disinfect a rabbit’s cage regularly with Lysol, Simple Green or a more natural
cleaner like vinegar or lemon juice.
●Wood, sticks, etc. to chew on since a rabbit’s teeth grow continually.
●Book on rabbits for reference purposes.
●Litter box if rabbit will be litter box trained indoors.
●Brush for grooming and nail clippers to cut nails.
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